Over 400 Tartans in stock

100% Wool premium tartan fabric

Worldwide Shipping

MacDonald Glengarry Modern

£47.50£52.75 per metre

Price shown is inclusive of 20% UK VAT. Deducted for overseas orders in checkout.

Units are multiples of 1m lengths at the widths shown for each weight


This tartan is also reffered to as MacDonell of Glengarry.

T7 Quality Tartan

Strathmore’s T7 Quality Stock Tartan is a 100% pure new wool, general purpose, worsted tartan. It is suitable for making ladies kilts, skirts, trousers, accessories such as scarves and neckties, and for a lighter weight gents kilt.

W60 Quality Tartan

Strathmore’s W60 Quality Stock Tartan is a 100% pure new wool, worsted tartan kilting and upholstery fabric. Our W60 is a thoroughbred, medium weight kilting fabric intended primarily for use as a gent’s kilting material. Its hardwearing qualities, coupled with our wide range of tartan designs, also make it an excellent upholstery fabric.

Additional information

Weight 0.375 kg