Over 400 Tartans in stock

100% Wool premium tartan fabric

Worldwide Shipping

Armstrong Modern

£47.50£52.75 per metre

Price shown is inclusive of 20% UK VAT. Deducted for overseas orders in checkout.

Units are multiples of 1m lengths at the widths shown for each weight


T7 Quality Tartan

Strathmore’s T7 Quality Stock Tartan is a 100% pure new wool, general purpose, worsted tartan. It is suitable for making ladies kilts, skirts, trousers, accessories such as scarves and neckties, and for a lighter weight gents kilt.

W60 Quality Tartan

Strathmore’s W60 Quality Stock Tartan is a 100% pure new wool, worsted tartan kilting and upholstery fabric. Our W60 is a thoroughbred, medium weight kilting fabric intended primarily for use as a gent’s kilting material. Its hardwearing qualities, coupled with our wide range of tartan designs, also make it an excellent upholstery fabric.

Additional information

Weight 0.375 kg